Fr. Jim Swarthout is a 30-year addiction treatment professional. He focuses on inviting resilience instead of guilt and shame.


Father Jim Swarthout is certified as an Advanced Addiction Counselor and Relapse Prevention Therapist. He has given counsel to top level leaders of Fortune 500 companies, governments, and religions as well as individuals from all ages and walks of life.


Bishops, clergy, congregations, and corporations rely on his ability to connect with those who have constructed elaborate barriers to their ego and mental health. His gift is breaking down the barriers and reaching each person where they are struggling and assisting them in learning how to overcome their particular obstacles.


Fr. Jim Swarthout is an Episcopal priest who began his career as a Catholic priest 30 years ago ordained in the Rockford Diocese and also served within the Chicago Archdiocese. His professional expertise includes being the only clergy in the United States certified intervention specialist and as the only Rosecrance Health Network’s Florian Chaplain (first clergy for first responders working with trauma and addiction issues). His unique position as a priest and community collaborator creates an unexpected ability to visualize potential where others see obstacles.


Let us open your hearts and minds to healing and joyful hope here on the Serenity Sitdown podcast with Fr. Jim Swarthout.